Dear Members,
The Committee fully understands that during the Covid-19 outbreak that everybody is facing difficult times and will be battening down the hatches and looking at the expenditure they have.
There will obviously be members who will undoubtedly have no choice but to cease their standing orders for their personal reasons and we as a club will support that decision wholeheartedly.
However, as a club, we now face financial difficulties of our own, as all fundraising plans, events and social events are cancelled indefinitely. Therefore we can only rely on our member’s fees and subscriptions to carry us through the difficult times ahead.
If you can continue to support your club wherever possible, then we should be able to work through this and get everything back on track as soon possible, and only when it is deemed safe to do so by the government.
We wish everybody all the best and please keep fit and keep safe ready to pick up football and cricket when the time comes.
Yours sincerely,
Michelle Tootle
Secretary of Pendle Forest Sports Club
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